Just 90


Do you set goals with good intentions, but find you never end up achieving them? Are you too busy navigating day-to-day life to be able to make progress towards your bigger life goals? Is there something big you want to work towards but you don’t know where to start?

If you’ve found yourself here, you likely want something different for your life. And you deserve to have it. You just need to know how. The hard truth is that you probably don’t know how to achieve your goals. If you did, you’d likely already be there, or have made significant progress in that direction!

Want to know how to close the gap between where you are and where you want to be? Let the Just 90 planner be your companion.


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The process


Here is the process you will follow to set goals that will help you make significant progress towards your vision in just 90 days. Let’s break down what these terms mean.



    • At the top is your vision – the big picture plan for how you would like your life to be in the future.
    • You will set 2-3 goals at a time. They are more specific and help you move closer to your vision. Think of them as the point you want to reach at the end of your 90 days.
    • Each goal will be broken down into 2-3 projects that you will undertake to contribute to the completion of your goals.
    • Your projects are then broken down into actions and habits. Actions are the individual tasks you need to carry out in order to complete your project. Habits are tasks that you complete regularly; over time they become part of your usual routine.


Why 90 days?


A lot of guides on goal-setting focus on setting annual goals. And this is how I had always planned. However, annual goals and plans are very difficult to achieve in practice. You start the year with a fresh set of goals and good intentions. You might have a few productive weeks but then your motivation can start to dwindle. That’s OK you think – the end of the year is so far away, I have plenty of time! The sense of urgency needed to work towards your goals disappears.

This is where 90 day planning comes in. Planning in 90 day chunks is great because:

    • It improves your focus. It's only possible to work on so many things in Just 90 days. It there forces you to prioritise and work on the things that matter most.
    • It's the best time period for change. 90 days is long enough to make changes and form new habits, but not so long that you lose momentum.
    • Every day counts. The shortened time period creates a sense of urgency, meaning you are much more likely to remain motivated to work towards your goals.
    • Uncertainty is reduced. It is easier to predict what the next 90 days will look like, making it easier to both set goals and plan how you will achieve them.
    • You'll recognise more of your achievements. Planning and reviewing your progress in smaller increments prompts you to celebrate your successes on a regular basis.
    • Anything you're not as happy with? Reviewing more regularly means you can make timely changes rather than drifting further from your goals.


At the start of each 90 day period when I do my planning, I feel pressured that it is taking me a few days to plan and that the days are passing me by. But once I have my plan in place, I am so productive throughout the rest of the 90 days that I feel the benefits in practice every time.


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Frequently asked questions


How is this planner different to other quarterly planners

The Just 90 planner is a guided planner. It combines the scheduling elements you’d want in a planner with the goal-setting elements you might look for in a journal. It is filled with information to help you learn the best method to achieve your goals.


Does this replace my everyday planner?

No, the Just 90 planner is designed to be a companion to your everyday planning system. This dedicated planner helps you to understand what you want to achieve and how you should be spending your time.


How is this planner produced?

All planners are handmade by me (Emma, the owner of Plan Inspire Create) in England. This is an A5 discbound planner with clear binding discs. It is printed on 120gsm paper and has a frosted acetate cover to protect its contents.

I have created the Just 90 planner based on research into the best goal-setting practices and my own practical experience. I have perfected this method over time, and it wasn’t until I started using this current iteration that I really started to make significant progress on my bigger goals. This was happening consistently, and I knew then that I had to share it with others so they could receive the same benefits.


What happens when I finish the planner?

The planner has been designed to minimise waste and to be cost-effective for the person using it.

Just 90 refill packs are available to allow you to re-use this planner whilst replacing the essential planning pages. Each refill pack comes with a set of instructions as to which pages to replace. It couldn’t be easier!

A larger Just 90 reset pack is also available which I recommend purchasing once per year. Not only does this replace your essential 90-day planner pages, it allows you to re-complete section 1.

By doing this, you can take stock of where your life is at that point in time and refresh your vision. I tend to do this annually or following a big life change, but you can choose a timeframe to suit you.


Where can I purchase a just 90 planner?

The Just 90 planner is currently available to purchase through my shop with worldwide shipping.


Do you have any resources that can help me when using this planner?

Check out my Just 90 planner playlist on YouTube.